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Задача №1676

Авторы: М. Коссман, А. М. Лубоцкий

Язык: фигиг / tazn1238 / Afro-Asiatic; Berber; Greater Zenatic; Zenatic; Northern Saharan Oasis Berber; Sud Oranais-Gourara


Third International Olympiad in Theoretical,
Mathematical and Applied Linguistics
The Netherlands, Leiden, 8–12 August 2005
Team Contest
Listen to 22 sentences spoken in Figuig1. Every sentence is recorded twice.
Here are the English translations for the first 20 sentences:
1. My friend prepared the couscous.
2. I prepared the couscous.
3. He will prepare the couscous.
4. Where did my friend prepare the couscous?
5. Where will he prepare the couscous?
6. Where shall I hide the dish?
7. I will prepare him/it.
8. He will hide you (fem.).
9. Where did he hide you (fem.)?
10. Where will he let you (fem.) in?
11. He let him in.
12. He prepared him/it.
13. He will let him out.
14. Where did he let him in?
15. Where will he hide him?
16. He let his friend in.
17. He broke him/it.
18. I hid you (fem.).
19. I broke him/it.
20. I let (past) him out.
Assignment 1. Develop an orthography for the Figuig language.
Assignment 2. Write down sentences 1 to 22 in your orthography.
Assignment 3. Translate sentences 21 and 22 into English.
Assignment 4. Translate into Figuig and write down in your orthography:
23. Where shall I let his friend in?
24. Where shall I let you (fem.) out?
25. My friend broke the dish.
26. He hid him/it.
27. I prepared him/it.
28. His friend will hide the couscous.
Explain your solution.
Note. Couscous is the national Moroccan dish made of semolina.
Good luck!
Project authors: Maarten Kossmann, Alexander !. Lubotsky.

1 Figuig is one of the Northern Berber languages. It is spoken by about 15 000 people in the Figuig oasis in Eastern
